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  • Cardamone Law- The Official
    Partner of the American Worker

    Finest Workers Compensation Lawyers in York, PA

    Workers’ compensation in York, PA guarantees you certain rights and benefits when you suffer a workplace injury or illness. But employers and their insurers might decide otherwise, starting a disheartening process of fighting claims, rejecting petitions, and delaying benefits.

    But not when Cardamone Law is fighting in your corner.

    We are a boutique law firm championed by Michael Cardamone and Paul Silver, two of the most brilliant legal minds in PA work comp today. Dedicating 100% of our resources to workers’ compensation cases, we are in the business of serving injured workers in York, PA.

    Call us today to learn more

    you only have 120 days to file a claim!

    call us today or fill out this form!

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      What happens when you get injured at work in York, PA?

      The PA Workers’ Compensation System comes into effect in York, PA whenever an employee or worker gets hurt at their job. The system is put in place to ensure worker safety and the protection of their livelihood in case of a workplace injury or illness.

      Under this system, all injured workers in York, PA are entitled to receive certain benefits in case of work-related injuries or illnesses. These benefits include:

      • Medical benefits: Your employer’s insurance pays for your medical expenses for the work-related injury.
      • Wage loss compensation: You receive 66% of our pre-injury wages in most cases. For low-wage earners, the compensation rate might be higher, but there is a maximum limit for all.
      • Specific loss benefits: You receive additional benefits in case of amputation, loss of use of a body part, and disfigurement to the head, face, or neck.
      • Death benefits: In cases of fatal work injuries, the deceased worker’s dependents receive lump-sum death benefits.

      Call us at (215) 206-9068 to learn more.

      Can I Sue my employer for Negligence due to a workplace injury in York, PA?

      The simple answer is no. Your sole remedy in the vast majority of cases is pursuing Workers’ Compensation.

      Workers’ compensation in York, PA functions on a no-fault system. Meaning, regardless of who has caused the injury, whether it was the employer’s negligence or the employee’s own fault, or no one’s fault, the injured worker is entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits.

      While this means you legally cannot hold your employer accountable for the harm in a personal injury case (also called a «Third Party Case») it also goes in your favor by demanding your employer pay you compensation even if your own fault has caused you injury.

      If you have any questions about your case, call us today for a free and comprehensive analysis. You don’t pay us anything out of your own pocket- it’s a contingent fee system.

      Talk to a specialist work comp lawyer

      How much do work comp lawyers in York, PA charge?

      The best thing about hiring workmen’s lawyers in York, PA is that we don’t charge you a thing unless we win the case for you.

      Working on a contingent-fee basis, our fee is tied to your win. If we win your case for you, we get a small percentage of the winning sum. If we fail to win, you pay us nothing.

      Cardamone Law is a unique boutique law firm in the sense that it has the financial leverage to go after the big fish in the sea without solely depending on client fees. This allows us to fully explore our venues and help mount the most sophisticated defense to fight your claim.

      Call Cardamone Law to book a free consult